Visiting : Nausika Querejeta Montes

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  We are pleased to announce that Nausika Querejeta Montes is visiting RCCS for three months under the supervision of Prof.Mercedes. Here is a short introduction to Nausika: Nausika is a PhD student of the Energy Processes and Emissions Reduction Research Group at INCAR-CSIC since April 2014. Her research focuses on the development of biomass … Continued

Visiting : Dr Fernando Vega Borrero

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  We are pleased to announce that Dr Fernando Vega Borrero is visiting RCCS for three months under the supervision of Prof. Mercedes. This is Fernando’s second visit to the Group, he previously visited in 2013 as a visiting PhD student. Here is a short introduction to Dr Fernando: Dr. Fernando finished his Chemical Engineering … Continued

Visiting : Dr Maria Teresa Izquierdo

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We are pleased to announce that Dr Maria Teresa Izquierdo is visiting RCCS for three months starting from early July. Here is a short introduction to Dr. Izquierdo: Dr. Maria Teresa Izquierdo is a senior researcher, head of the Energy and Environment department at Instituto de Carboquimica (ICB), belonging to the Spanish Research National Council … Continued

Visiting : Dr Covadonga Pevida Garcia

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We are pleased to announce that Dr Covadonga Pevida Garcia is visiting RCCS for four months starting from early July. Here is a short introduction to Dr. Garcia: MEng in Chemical Engineering from the University of Oviedo in 1999. Just after graduated she joined INCAR-CSIC to start her PhD studies working on the reduction of … Continued

IMPEE PhD student wins travel grant to present at International Conference

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Muhammad Farooq at the International Conference Progress in Biogas IV. IMPEE PhD student Mr Muhammad Farooq was awarded a Travel Grant by UK Anaerobic Digestion Network (ADNET) to present his research paper at International Conference Progress in Biogas IV held in Stuttgart Germany. The International Conference Progress in Biogas IV was held in Stuttgart, Germany … Continued

Multiphase Flow Measurement Workshop

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Participants of Workshop ‘Researcher Links Workshop on Multiphase Flow Measurement’. The workshop ‘Researcher Links Workshop on Multiphase Flow Measurement’ was held on Queretaro, Mexico in 23rd to 26th January 2017. This event was organised by CIATEQ, Mexico and Cranfield University, UK. Newton Fund British Council-CONACYT Partnership Programme was the sponsor of the workshop. The UK … Continued

RCCS presents at GHGT-13

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 RCCS members at GHGT-13. (From left – Montserrat Recasens, Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Micheal O Ogidi, Dr. Susana Garcia & Dr. Mahmoud Nazeri) The 13th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT-13) was hosted in Lausanne, Switzerland from 14th to 18th November 2016. The two yearly GHGT conference has become the most prestigious international event to present and hear … Continued

CT Scanner

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X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) is a non-invasive, non-destructive imaging technique permitting the visualisation and quantification of the interior structure of an object in three dimensions. Its key principal is based on the attenuation of X-rays as they interact with the constituent materials of a sample. A series of radiographs (similar to … Continued

Low carbon jet fuel through integration of novel technologies for co-valorisation of CO2 and biomass

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Summary: Our project aims to produce low-carbon synthetic aviation jet fuel using renewable energy from waste agricultural and forestry biomass and captured CO2. An integrated chemistry and engineering approach will be implemented towards high selective and efficient jet fuel production.  Funder: EPSRC Reference Number: EP/N009924/1 Grant: £1,800,517 Duration: January 2016- December 2019 Project Partners: Heriot-Watt … Continued