IMPEE PhD student wins travel grant to present at International Conference

Muhammad Farooq at the International Conference Progress in Biogas IV.

IMPEE PhD student Mr Muhammad Farooq was awarded a Travel Grant by UK Anaerobic Digestion Network (ADNET) to present his research paper at International Conference Progress in Biogas IV held in Stuttgart Germany.

The International Conference Progress in Biogas IV was held in Stuttgart, Germany on March 8th to 11th 2017 at the University of Hohenheim.The fourth edition of the conference covered the advances on low-tech biogas plants, biogas generation from bio-waste, its application and management, innovative technologies, as well as the optimal integration of biogas in the energy system. Farooq presented his research paper titled “Biogas quality upgrade by adsorption and regeneration of in-situ regenerative activated carbon in a packed bed column.” Muhammad Farooq is doing his PhD under the supervision of Dr John M Andresen and is a member of Research for Carbon Solutions(RCCS), headed by Prof Mercedes Maroto-Valer.

Muhammad says: “It was a very enriching experience as the conference provided a highly interactive platform for prime researchers, experts and enterprisers to share recent advances in technology of clean and renewable energy and especially in the emerging field of biogas. Let’s make joint efforts for a clean, green and economically sustainable world. I also realized how vanguard and iconoclastic research at Heriot-Watt is adding to the practical implications in sustainable development. I am appreciative of the support Anaerobic Digestion Network (ADNET UK) extended for providing travel grant to attend the International Conference. I am particularly indebted to Louise Byfield& Angie Bywater (AD Network Co-managers) for their extended support & co-operation. I owe a lot to IMPEE, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh UK for providing me such exalting chances.”