
Material Characterisation
Materials Characterisation Laboratory has a number of characterisation instruments for the study of the physical and chemical properties of the materials, available for research use, which help to increase the different degrees of understanding why different materials show different behaviours.

Transport in Porous Media
With state of art experimental facilities in this lab, we conduct high quality research in porous media at two different scales of pore and core. We combine experimental results with information obtained from micro-computed tomography (μCT) to evaluate and improve modelling techniques for multiphase flow and reactive transport in porous media.

CO2 Capture
This lab is equipped with standard material/facilities (furnaces, ultrasonic bath, rotary evaporator, etc.) for the preparation of solid sorbents and catalysts for different applications. Additionally, it also hosts a supporting state-of-the art total inorganic carbon analyser which allows for the direct measurement of total inorganic carbon in a wide variety of sample matrices and concentrations.

CO2 Storage
The CO2 storage laboratory is designated for the HPHT experiments to investigate the scenarios in the CO2 storage under reservoir pressure and temperature conditions including the CO2-brine-rock and/or CO2-brine-well cement interactions and CO2-SO2 co-injection in geological formations.

CO2 Photoreduction Utilisation
The CO2 Photoreduction Utilization laboratory’s vision is to engineer novel photoreactors and optimise processes for the photoreduction of CO2 towards alternative solar fuels. To achieve this the laboratory is fitted with state of the art analytical and process tools that is coupled with personnel with process optimisation and modelling experience.

Biomass and Waste Valorisation
The laboratory is designed for a number of experiments including research on biofuels, catalysts development and CO2 capture.

The Bio-Energy area is dedicated to research that converts bio-mass and related sustainable feedstock into value added gases, liquids or solids.

CO2 Utilisation and Energy System
The research interests include microfluidics, microreactor and micro-systems for energy and carbon conversion via novel chemical, electrochemical and photocatalysis reactions. We leverage the unique fluid and transport phenomena at microscale to realise new functions that would hardly be obtained in a conventional reaction system.
