EPSRC Challenging Engineering

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A joint EPSRC Challenging Engineering Fellowship has been awarded to Prof. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, director of the CICCS and Prof. Adam Lee from the University of Warwick to develop new methods of increasing the efficency of photo-catalytic reduction of CO2. For further details click here and see  page 4 of the EPSRC newsletter “Pioneer”

Public Engagement is another strand of your research…plan it accordingly!

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Dr Yolanda Fernandez Diez   The 2013 Public Engagement (PE) Symposium celebrated at the University of Birmingham and organized by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) left a clear message: “UK landscape is changing and Public Engagement has an important role in this change”. With an attendance of more than 200 delegates from above … Continued

Dr Aimaro Sanna: Part of the Crucible Delegation at ESOF14

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    Dr Aimaro Sanna (9th on the left) with Crucible Delegation at the Royal Danish Academy As part of the Scottish Crucible delegation led by Professor Alan Miller and Dr Ruth Neiland, from Heriot-Watt University, Aimaro Sanna had the chance to attend the largest scientific conference in Europe. The Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF2014) in … Continued

CICCS at the 2nd International Sulcis CCS Summer School

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  The 5-day event (14-18 July) opened with a 1 day workshop on CO2 emission reduction through improving of power generation efficiency organised by the IEA Clean Coal Centre. This was followed by a 4 days School on Carbon Capture and Storage where Dr Aimaro Sanna delivered lectures on pre-combustion CO2 capture and Mineral Carbonation Technologies. … Continued

IMPEE Researcher awarded by Royal Society of Edinburgh

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  Dr. Manuel Ojeda from IMPEE is recently awarded the International Exchange Programme Grant from The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Dr. Ojeda joined Heriot-Watt in Feb 2015 and is currently a research associate in Dr. Jin Xuan’s group. With the support from the Royal Society, Dr Ojeda will visit and conduct collaborative research in the … Continued

Dr Qi Liu presents at TCCS-8

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  Dr Qi Liu (Jerry) attended the 8th Trondheim Conference on CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage (TCCS-8) on June 16 – 18, 2015, in Trondheim, Norway. The bi-annual conference has since its start in 2003 grown to become one of the leading scientific CCS technology conferences. The 8th Trondheim Conference focused on research and development regarding … Continued

Dr Sanna attended ACEME 2015

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   Dr Aimaro Sanna has presented his work “Minimization of energy consumption of CO2 mineralization using recyclable ammonium salts” at the Fifth International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Material Engineering (ACEME) held on June 21-24, at the Columbia University, New York. This work has been produced as part of the on-going CICCS research … Continued

Heriot-Watt University holds 1st CEC

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    The 1st Chemistry in Energy conference organised by the Energy Sector interest group of the Royal Society of Chemistry was hosted at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 20th-22nd July 2015. The purpose of this Conference was to bring together scientists and technologists from academia and industry with interests in the applications of Chemistry in the … Continued

Aimaro Sanna visiting the University of Utah for the CO2TRIP project

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Dr Aimaro Sanna has successfully completed a one month research placement at Prof Kevin Whitty’s laboratories, at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Utah, USA. This research visit was part of a multi-exchange program for the CO2TRIP project “Long-term research activities in the area of advanced CO2 Capture Technologies for Clean Coal Energy Generation”, funded … Continued

Elizabeth Bay participated in a Routes into Employment event

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    On September 14, 2015 Elizabeth Bay participated in a Routes into Employment event at St Mungo’s High School in Falkirk. The event was for higher level graphics students to get a flavor of the kind of careers available to them. Elizabeth enjoyed discussing with students her own work in carbon dioxide utilization and the importance of graphics to chemistry work in terms … Continued