MILEPOST-Microscale Processes Governing Global Sustainability

The ERC MILEPOST project will transform our ability to analyse and predict the behaviour of a wide range of pore-scale processes governing the macroscopic behaviour of complex subsurface systems and open up new horizons for science in other areas, e.g porosity controlled in polymers and bioprinting.
We combine expertise and integrate ground-breaking work in:
(i) additive manufacturing to produce three-dimensional replicas of porous structures;
(ii) tools to embed sensors to determine the in-vivo propagation of fronts (pressure, concentrations, pH) within complex structures; and
(iii) novel high-fidelity in-silico pore-scale models coupling relative permeability functions and critical saturations with compositional changes and validated using virtual reality tools.
The ERC MILEPOST project will transform our ability to analyse and predict the behavior of a wide range of pore-scale processes governing the macroscopic behaviour of complex subsurface systems and open up new horizons for science in other areas, e.g. porosity controlled in polymers and bioprinting.
If you are interested to know more about MILEPOST, watch our showcase video here!
Project Publications
- R. A. E. Nhunduru, A. Jahanbakhsh, O. Shahrokhi, K.L. Wlodarczyk, S. Garcia & M.M. Maroto-Valer, “The impact of wettability on dynamic fluid connectivity and flow transport kinetics in porous media“. Water Resources Research, 58.
- K.L. Wlodarczyk, W.N. MacPherson, D.P. Hand, M.M. Maroto-Valer, “Manufacturing of Microfluidic Devices with Interchangeable Commercial Fiber Optic Sensors” Sensors 2021, 21, 7493.
- A. Jahanbakhsh, O. Shahrokhi, M.M. Maroto-Valer, “Understanding the role of wettability distribution on pore-filling and displacement patterns in a homogeneous structure via quasi 3D pore-scale modelling“, Scientific Reports 2021, 11, 17847 (2021).
- R. A. E. Nhunduru, A. Jahanbakhsh, O. Shahrokhi, K.L. Wlodarczyk, S. Garcia & M.M. Maroto-Valer, “The impact of wettability on dynamic fluid connectivity and flow transport kinetics in porous media“. Water Resources Research, 58.
- A. Kalantariasl, F. Tale, R. Parsaei, A. Keshavarz, A. Jahanbakhsh, M.M. Maroto-Valer, A. Mosallanezhad, “Optimum salinity/composition for low salinity water injection in carbonate rocks: A geochemical modelling approach”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume 362.
- K.L. Wlodarczyk, J. Schille, L. Naumann, A.A. Lopes, I. Bitharas, P. Bidare, S.D. Dondieu, P. Blair, U. Loeschner, A.J. Moore, M.M. Maroto-Valer, D.P. Hand, “Ultrashort pulsed laser micromachining of glass using an interlaced laser beam scanning method,” Oral presentation at the Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM) conference, June 2020.
- A. Jahanbakhsh, O. Shahrokhi, M. M. Maroto-Valer, “Quasi-3D pore-scale simulation of wettability heterogeneity in porous media”, Oral presentation at the InterPore conference, Aug-Sep 2020.
- O. Shahrokhi, A. Jahanbakhsh, M. M. Maroto-Valer, “Relaxing the Capillary Equilibrium Constraint for Automated Contact Angle Measurement of X-ray Micro-Tomography Images in Porous Media”, Oral presentation at the InterPore conference, Aug-Sep 2020.
- R.A.E. Nhunduru, A. Jahanbakhsh, O. Shahrokhi, K.L. Wlodarczyk, D.P. Hand, W.N. MacPherson, S. Garcia, and M.M. Maroto-Valer, “A pore-scale investigation of fluid displacement and residual trapping under intermediate-wet conditions,” Oral presentation at the EGU General Assembly, May 2020.