Friday Ojodomo Ochedi
PhD Student
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, UK
Friday Ojodomo Ochedi is a Nigerian with ardent interest in clean energy and environmental sustainability through the mitigation of carbon dioxide emission. He focuses on the development of innovative mitigation technologies including materials and processes with low energy penalty, low cost, high performance and demonstrated potential for industrial adoption.
In his undergraduate study at the Federal University of Technology Minna Nigeria, he specialized in Mechanical Engineering and gained basic engineering training and competence. His thesis focused on the reduction of energy consumption for an industrial process that crushes waste materials for recycling.
In 2018, after serving the nation of Nigeria through the National Youth Service program, he obtained a full scholarship from the Chinese Government for a Master’s degree study in Energy and Power Engineering at Jiangsu University, China. During this time, he explored the mitigation of carbon footprint in the energy and chemical industries. In collaboration with experts from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) Australia, and universities in Australia, the United States, Pakistan and China, he conducted and published critical research related to the various aspects of carbon capture and utilization technologies. His thesis focused on the utilization of microalgae as precursor for adsorbent preparation.
The work is part of a four-year European project that aims to develop this technology and demonstrate it at industrial production sites. The project boasts a consortium of high-performing European, Canadian and Chinese research partners, as well as a variety of industrial partners that are keen to sustain high economic activity while mitigating their carbon footprint.
Furthermore, Friday is co-founder and CEO of RA Dynamic Solutions, a USA based Start-up Company working on the sequestration of carbon emissions via the production of carbon negative waste based cement that targets infrastructure inequality in underserved communities. In addition, he is acting as a venture partner and advisor to companies in the clean technology space.
Friday aims to continue technological development that will fast-track global transition to clean energy and a sustainable environment. He also hopes to influence policies in Africa toward this direction.
Roles & Responsibilities
Research interests
Carbon dioxide capture, clean energy and environment, gas treatment, waste management, process engineering