Dr. Manuel Ojeda
Research Fellow
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, UK
Dr. Manuel Ojeda received his BSc degree in Biochemistry in 2011 at Córdoba University, and obtained his MSc degree in Fine Chemistry in 2012 and finished his PhD in 2014. His work has focused on synthesis of nanoporous carbon-based materials and magnetically separable nanocomposites by using mechanochemical process for applications in heterogeneous catalysis. During his PhD, Manuel Ojeda did different short stays: University of Aalto, Finland (2012) at the department of Forest Products Technology, and National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia (2013) at the department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology. In February 2015, he joined the Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS) at the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences as Research Associate.
Roles & Responsibilities
Research interests
His research interests include the development of metal nanoparticles supported on mesoporous materials, mechanochemical synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis.