Arezoo Azimi
PhD Student
School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Institute of Mechanical, Process & Energy Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, UK
Arezoo is currently a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Mijndert van der Spek working on life cycle assessment and techno-economic evaluation of chemical processes to reduce carbon emission of industrial clusters. She aims to develop a framework and model an open-source toolkit to design low carbon infrastructure for industrial clusters.
Arezoo received her master’s degree in chemical engineering from Shiraz University of Technology in 2019. Her project focused on natural gas hydrates as a new source of energy that is naturally available worldwide. She developed thermodynamic frameworks to investigate gas hydrate behaviour in natural reservoirs and porous media. She also studied flow assurance issues caused by gas hydrates in different industries by discovering and studying performances of different kinetic and thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors.
Arezoo’s undergraduate project focused on recognizing and comparing different wastewater treatment methods to remove heavy metals like arsenic, copper, cadmium, chromium, nickel, zinc, lead, and mercury which are major pollutants of freshwater reservoirs because of their toxic and non-biodegradable nature.
Roles & Responsibilities
Research interests
Arezoo’s main research interests are Renewable energy technology, Low carbon technology, CO2 capture, Life cycle assessment, Techno-economic assessment.