Second Advisory Board Meeting for Low Carbon Jet Fuel EPSRC Project at Heriot-Watt University



Prof. Mercedes Maroto Valer opens the Advisory Board Meeting at Heriot-Watt University.


Academic and industrial partners gathered at Heriot-Watt University on 30th May 2018 for the second Advisory Board meeting.  Prof. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Project Principal Investigator, started the meeting introducing the project. The meeting was followed by series of presentations from the five different work packages, setting out the progress of the project and elaborating all findings and challenges. Very productive technical discussions happened among academic partners and advisory board members throughout the presentations. The meeting was very productive and ended with a tour of the RCCS laboratories.

For more information about the project, please visit the following pages:

Project Website – 

RCCS Website – Low carbon jet fuel through integration of novel technologies for co-valorisation of CO2 and biomass

EPSRC website –