OceanNETs: Ocean-based Negative Emissions Technologies


Reference Number
EU – H2020
01/07/2020 - 01/06/2025


OceanNETs main goal is to extend the body of knowledge on ocean-based negative emissions technologies (NETs), which has lagged behind the one for terrestrial-based NETS. This will help decision-and policy makers, and society as a whole, to make informed decisions about future climate change strategies, since these should rely on sound scientific information. Environmental, social, and political perspectives of ocean-based NETs will be examined to identify their potential in mitigating climate change. The analysis will be extended to include possible synergies between terrestrial- and ocean-based NETs, while socially and politically relevant feasibility assessments are being developed. Overall, OceanNETs assesses the feasibility of deploying ocean-based NETS at large-scales, in Europe and globally, and their potential in meeting the Paris Agreement goals. At the same time, OceanNETs will also identify and prioritize options for the most promising scenarios regarding CO2 mitigation, environmental impacts, risks, co-benefits, technical feasibility, cost effectiveness, and political and societal acceptance.

Project Publications

Foteinis, S., Campbell, J.S. and Renforth, P., 2023. Life Cycle Assessment of Coastal Enhanced Weathering for Carbon Dioxide Removal from Air. Environmental Science & Technology, 57(15), pp.6169-6178.

Foteinis, S., Andresen, J., Campo, F., Caserini, S. and Renforth, P., 2022. Life cycle assessment of ocean liming for carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere. Journal of Cleaner Production, 370, p.133309.

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