Live CCUS technologies display

Research Associate at CICCS and Beltane Fellow Dr Yolanda Fernandez Diez has created an interactive mural as part of her Beltane Public Engagement Fellowship.

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Yolanda with the exhibition during the Queen Baton Relay at Heriot Watt University

Called “Where are my carbon atoms?”, the mural explains carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies to youngsters and adults giving them the chance to express their views about these low-carbon technologies. The public have the chance to learn with a carbon atom, Carbaton, as it travels through CCUS.

The display has been exhibited at the Edinburgh International Science Festival 5-20th April 2014, for the Queen’s Baton Relay at Heriot Watt University on the 14th June and shortly at the British Geological Survey (BGS) Doors Open Day on the 27th September.


“The outcomes of this exhibition will help to address public perception and acceptability of CCUS technologies.”

“It is very rewarding to observe how many people, especially children, engage with your research and have fun!”

Dr Yolanda Fernandez Diez

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Graphic Design by Kate Ferrucci from Quarto Design.

Technical work by Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering workshop at Heriot Watt University.


Exhibition sponsored by:Heriot-Watt University, Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS), Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS), Syngenta, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), CO2Chem Network and Beltane Public Engagement Network.