IMPEE PhD student attended 4th International Sulcis Summer School on CCS Technologies at Sotacarbo Research Center Carbonia, Italy

IMPEE Ph.D. student Mr. Muhammad Farooq attended  4th International Sulcis Summer School on CCS Technologies-2016, held at Sotacarbo Research Center of Carbonia (CI), Italy from June 28th to July 1st, 2016. The organizing committee selected early career researchers from all over the world for the summer school supported by ENEA, Sotacarbo, University of Cagliari Italy, IEA CCC and CO2GeoNet. The summer school was comprised of technical talks, training, visit of research facilities and social networking activities. Speakers from different regions of the world gave technical talks on the CCS topics.

Farooq is a third year Ph.D. student supervised by Dr. John M Andresen. He is an active member of Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS) headed by Prof. Mercedes Maroto-Valer.

Farooq said “This summer school offered me a broader view of all the possible issues that revolve around a theme of urgent relevance today, such as the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. It also provides information and documentation on all the technological sides of the CCS subject – including an update of ongoing projects worldwide. It also improved my research profile and made me realize how our research at CICCS Heriot-Watt is contributing to the practical implications in the respective domain. I am very obliged to IMPEE for the financial support to attend the summer school”.