Big Bang in Glasgow

YFD at Big Bang       ERBB at Big Bang

Yolanda (left) and Elizabeth attending the Big Bang Event

Dr. Yolanda Fernandez-Diez and MSc student Elizabeth Bay, both members of CICCS, were fortunate enough to share their Carbon Capture and Utilization research with young people at the Big Bang Event in Glasgow on Friday June 14, 2013. The event took place at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre and gathered over three and a half thousand visitors and a broad spectrum of STEM professionals (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) working in Academia and industry.

It was a great opportunity for CICCS members to interact with school groups and explore other projects in the exhibit hall not only from adults, but also from teams of primary aged children competing for the best project in the National Science and Engineering Competition. While Elizabeth participated in the STEM booth discussing carbon dioxide emissions and possible solutions, Yolanda had the privilege of being part of the Career Networking area where she got to have one on one conversation with young students about what it takes to get into research.

“Many learned what a photocatalyst is and engaged with the role of the photocatalyst during the CO2 photoreduction process” – said Elizabeth.

“The Big Bang event is fantastic to create a better idea of STEM jobs and help students to decide about their professional future. I would have liked to have the same opportunity as these students when I was younger” – said Yolanda.

It was a good day to represent the CICCS work being done and inspire new generations. Many thanks to the Big Bang event coordinators, fellow participants, and STEM ambassadors for the opportunity to be part of the day.