Best poster competition


Professor Mercedes Maroto-Valer (left) and Dr Buchan (right) with the winners of the poster competition: Amanda Hughes, Theo Chronopoulos and Hsu Min-Hung

To mark the opening of the CICCS research Centre at Heriot-Watt University, PhD students and Research Associates from the Institute of Mechanical, Process and Energy Engineering (IMPEE) were invited to present posters about particular aspects of their research relating to the work of the laboratories. There were three prizes, each of them offering a 700£ bursary to the winner to attend future conferences and the competition was high. A lot of different topics were presented by the students for this event, covering a wide area of research work from microbial fuel cell electricity generation to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Theo Chronopoulos, current member of the CICCS research group and PhD student at Heriot-Watt University, won the ‘Best Poster as voted by Research Fellows/Associates and PhD students’ award for his poster entitled ‘Process Intensification of CO2 Capture towards a more Sustainable CCS Technology’. Theo is a Chemical Engineer, currently working on CO2 separation and capture processes under the supervision of Prof Mercedes Maroto-Valer.