Synthesis of novel materials

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Fernández, Y., Menéndez, J.A., Phillips, J. and Luhrs, C., 2009. Graphitic encapsulation of micron- and nano-sized Ni particles using ethylene as precursor. Applied Surface Science, 256, 194-201. Atwater, M.A., Phillips, J., Doorn, S.K., Luhrs, C., Fernández, Y., Menéndez, J.A. and Leseman, Z.C., 2009. The production of carbon nanofibers and thin films on palladium catalysts from … Continued

Thermal microwave treatment

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Fernández, Y., Arenillas, A. and Menéndez, J.A., 2011. Microwave heating applied to pyrolysis. Advances in Induction and Microwave Heating of Mineral and Organic Material. Ed. Collegium. Viena. Austria. ISBN 978-953-307-522-8. pp. 723-752. Chapter in a book. Fernández, Y. and Menéndez, J.A., 2011. Influence of the feed characteristics on the microwave-assisted pyrolysis used to produce syngas … Continued

CO2 Capture

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M. Olivares-Marín, M. M. Maroto-Valer, (2011). Development of adsorbents from abundant waste materials for CO2. Energy Procedia 4, 1118-1124  S. Garcia, R.J. Rosenbauer, J. Palandri and M.M. Maroto-Valer, Sequestration of non-pure carbon dioxide streams in iron oxyhydroxide-containing saline repositories, International Journal of Greenhouse Gases, 2012, 7, 89-97.


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A Sanna (2014), Second generation bio-fuels from thermo-chemical processing of sustainable biomasses in Europe, BioEnergy Research, 7,1, 36-47.   L Xiao, A Sanna, JM Andresen (2014), Influence of red mud impregnation on the pyrolysis of oil palm biomass-EFB, Fuel, 119C, 259-265.   A Sanna, KU Ogbuneke, JM Andrésen (2012), Upgrading bio-oils obtained from bio-ethanol and … Continued

Geological Storage

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Liu, Q. and Maroto-Valer, M. M., 2012. Studies of pH buffer systems to promote carbonates formation for CO2 sequestration in brines. Fuel Processing Technology, 98(6), p.6-13. Liu, Q. and Maroto-Valer, M. M., 2011. Parameters affecting mineral trapping of CO2 sequestration in brines. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 1 (3), p.211-222. Liu, Q. and Maroto-Valer, M. … Continued

Environmental effects of CO2

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Caramanna G., Espa S., Bouche’ V., 2010. Study of the environmental effects of submarine CO2 rich emissions by means of scientific diving techniques (Panarea Island – Italy) International Journal of the Society for Underwater Technology, 29/2, 79-85 Caramanna G., Voltattorni N., Maroto-Valer M., 2011. Is Panarea Island a valid and cost-effective natural-laboratory for the development … Continued

Public Engagement is another strand of your research…plan it accordingly!

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Dr Yolanda Fernandez Diez   The 2013 Public Engagement (PE) Symposium celebrated at the University of Birmingham and organized by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) left a clear message: “UK landscape is changing and Public Engagement has an important role in this change”. With an attendance of more than 200 delegates from above … Continued

Dr Aimaro Sanna: Part of the Crucible Delegation at ESOF14

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    Dr Aimaro Sanna (9th on the left) with Crucible Delegation at the Royal Danish Academy As part of the Scottish Crucible delegation led by Professor Alan Miller and Dr Ruth Neiland, from Heriot-Watt University, Aimaro Sanna had the chance to attend the largest scientific conference in Europe. The Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF2014) in … Continued

Aimaro Sanna visiting the University of Utah for the CO2TRIP project

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Dr Aimaro Sanna has successfully completed a one month research placement at Prof Kevin Whitty’s laboratories, at the Chemical Engineering Department, University of Utah, USA. This research visit was part of a multi-exchange program for the CO2TRIP project “Long-term research activities in the area of advanced CO2 Capture Technologies for Clean Coal Energy Generation”, funded … Continued