MILEPOST – Microscale Processes Governing Global Sustainability

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Summary: The ERC MILEPOST project will transform our ability to analyse and predict the behaviour of a wide range of pore-scale processes governing the macroscopic behaviour of complex subsurface systems and open up new horizons for science in other areas, e.g porosity controlled in polymers and bioprinting. Reference Number: 695070 Funder: European Research Council (ERC) … Continued

Novel adsorbents applied to integrated energy-efficient industrial CO2 capture

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Summary: This project aims to realise our vision of integrating novel hydrotalcite solid sorbents with advanced heat integration processes for industrial CO2 capture.  Funder:  EPSRC Reference Number: EP/N024540/1   Grant: £985,463   Duration: September 2016 – August 2019  Academic Partners:     , ,  Descriptions The UK Government has an ambitious target to reduce CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050. Industrial … Continued

PROMOTEE: Functional porous carbon materials derived from coal tar for energy and environmental applications

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Summary: PROMOTEE has been created as a complex European project aiming at the development of novel porous carbon materials for energy and environmental applications using low value coal-derived liquids as the carbon precursors.  Funder : EU-Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS) Grant: €2.2m Duration: October 2016 – March 2020 Project Contributor: Instituto Nacional del Carbón … Continued

Greenhouse Gas Removal in the Iron and Steel Industry

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Summary: Here we explore how CO2 can be removed from the atmosphere using by-products from the steel industry. Funder: UKRI Greenhouse Gas Removal Programme Reference Number: NE/P019943/2 Grant: £300,000 Duration: 1 Aug 2017 – 24 Aug 2020 Project Partners: University of Hull,  Tarmac, Durham County Council   Description  Decarbonising the steel industry is an important … Continued

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Critical Resource Catalysis – CRITICAT

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Summary: Our critical mass in critical resource catalysis will accelerate training, discovery, understanding, and exploitation within catalytic chemistry. We will focus our efforts on the future of catalysis, driving new advances for environmentally sustainable economic growth and underpinning current growth in the UK chemicals sector. Reference Number : Funder : EPSRC-CDT Grant : £4,324,694 Duration … Continued

Textile Waste Disposal through Thermo-chemical processing

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Summary:     Reference Number : Funder : Textile Future Forum Grant : £100k Duration : May 2016 – April 2017 Project Contributor :  Academic and Industrial Partners:   Descriptions The CO2TRIP project will last four years and it will be coordinated by the Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland with participation universities from Germany, United … Continued

Low carbon jet fuel through integration of novel technologies for co-valorisation of CO2 and biomass

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Summary: Our project aims to produce low-carbon synthetic aviation jet fuel using renewable energy from waste agricultural and forestry biomass and captured CO2. An integrated chemistry and engineering approach will be implemented towards high selective and efficient jet fuel production.  Funder: EPSRC Reference Number: EP/N009924/1 Grant: £1,800,517 Duration: January 2016- December 2019 Project Partners: Heriot-Watt … Continued

CO2TRIP: Long-term research activities in the area of advanced CO2 capture technologies for clean coal energy

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Summary: The CO2TRIP project will last four years and the main aims is to strengthen research partnerships through staff exchanges and networking activities between Partners. Reference Number : Funder : Textile Future Forum Grant : £100k Duration : May 2016 – April 2017 Project Contributor :  Academic and Industrial Partners:     Descriptions The CO2TRIP … Continued

Ph.D. student wins travel grant from ICEEES

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Congratulation to Muhammad Farooq, Ph.D. student of CICCS group who has been awarded to travel grant by International Scientific Advisory Committee of ICEEES to present his research findings at International Conference on Energy for Environment and Economic Sustainability (ICEEES)   The Conference was held from 20-23 October 2016 in Historical City Lahore, Pakistan and the theme was … Continued