Specifications / Key Features
Autoclave Reactors: Rigs capable of working over a wide range of temperature and pressure conditions (up to 350°C and 5,000psia).
Mass flow calibration system: pressure rated to 1450 psi and temperature between -10°C up to 100°C.
Chemisorption analyzer: capable of working over a wide range of temperatures (-196°C to +1000°C). Available in manual or auto modes with selection up to 5 different gas ports.
Photoreactors: operating range of temperatures up to (70°C) and pressures up to 73 psi.
Light system: adjustable light intensity, including UV (365 nm), visible (400-500 nm) and UV-visible (250-600 nm) lights.
High-Pressure Reactor System (including thermal controller, reactor & co-injection system)
Chem Bet Chemisorption analyzer with linear mass flow controller
High-pressure reactors to analyse cement degradation on exposure to CO₂ & brine
Photoreactor with the light source
FT-IR Spectrometer